Business Growth and sustainability

Business Growth and sustainability

Growth is to increase the volume of business. Sustainability is the capacity to operate the business in the long run. The interdependency and bi-directional relationship of these two terms expand the market share and enhance to become a true market leader. Strategic leadership always should focus on two terms in a parallel way. Might have some internal mechanism to balance growth and sustainability.

In recent days, observing e-commerce industry mostly focused on growth. How to be a No.1 in this industry? Growth and growth. Capturing the largest sale within a short period. Expanding lot of wings, employed many peoples, Distinguish delivery hub and so on. All they did or doing are sustainable? No, they are not sustainable.They expanding business standing on a vulnerable surface. In a long run, they can not taste the flavor.

True leadership is something different. Its a legacy of market positioning. Sustainable branding not a matter of days, moth or a year. If there is no innovation to disrupting the current market. What they are doing? Nothing. They are operating their business in a way of Ponzi scheme. Taking risk by utilizing public money. When exploring their true self, customers reject them, suspend employees, and squeeze operations.

Turning as a sick entity and wearing fraud musk. End of the day the fake leader rest in jail and callups the whole operation. The reason is unbalanced relationship between growth – they dream and sustainability – they avoid. Without sustainability, growth is just a waste of money. Without having solid foundation growth can not be exist.

This scenario realization is pointing a national fact. Many consumers were affected for this fascinating, sugarcoated speeches of Mr. Entrepreneur. The question is: Who will compensate these consumers/sufferers? If nobody takes this liability, why these are happened and happening? Where is the control over the market? Breaking the ecosystem can be alarming for the whole e-commerce sector.

-Rony Saha


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